Monday, October 4, 2010

Flathead Lake Granny-Apple

Sorry about that week lapse, that probably went mostly unnoticed, or labeled as the Joel Torres standard. I was down with the flu for a WHOLE week, as I know many people have been recently. Today I sit before my computer with a green liquid awaiting my consumption. Flathead Lake Monster Gourmet Soda, Granny-Apple flavor, is the beverage of the day, purchased at the Rocket Fizz in Ventura, CA. I have to say when it comes to fruit flavored sodas, I find most of them to have an overpowering sweetness. Apple is an unusual flavor as far as I am concerned, so I figured it was worth a shot. Let’s see, the drink smells like your average apple flavored candy, just a bit lighter. First swig, it actually tastes like a sweet green apple, leaning towards being a little over ripe. So far, so good. Hmm, well, as far as I can tell, this drink seems to suffer from too much sugar as is the norm. I don’t suppose many soda makers aim for drinks that are light on the taste buds and stomach, but I prefer them that way. Over ice, the taste gets worn down enough, making it more tolerable, but this is not the kind of drink that is particularly refreshing. It seems to lean more towards Kool-Aid than gourmet soda. Let me just say this isn’t a reflection on the whole Flathead Lake line as far as I know. I have yet to try any of the other flavors. I think if I were grading this soda, it would have earned a C. It isn’t really special, just one of your run of the mill fruit sodas. Since I don’t feel my teeth rotting, maybe it deserves a C+.

And speaking of tooth rotting, I have two cavities that are killing me right now. Anyone know a cheap dentist? Preferably one that isn’t run out of a garage. Well, beggars can’t be choosers I suppose. Next week I will return with another pointless review of a tasty beverage, and I hope you will humor me by reading it.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Fentiman's Traditional Curiosity Cola

This week's tasty beverage was purchased at Cost plus World Market in Oxnard, CA. Fentiman's Curiosity Cola according to the label is less than 0.5% alcohol by volume. If there is any actual alcohol involved in the drink, I cannot detect it. It is a "fermented botanical cola drink with ginger and herbal extracts". I have been told by others that Coca Cola also has ginger in it, but that is where the similarities between these drinks end. Actually cola seems to have a unique taste to it, that neither Pepsi nor Coke contain. I chilled my Curiosity Cola first, and cautiously took my first swig. I have been betrayed by sodas that were labeled "cola" before. Luckily, this drink is quite good. It has a mildly blend of tastes, mostly on the cola side, with hints of the other herbs noted on the label (Ingredients: water, carbonated water, sugar, cola flavor, ginger, natural herbal extracts, colour caramel, phosphoric acid, caffeine). I do not recommend that drink on ice, as the taste is rather light, and the water will only serve to dissolve it further. I find that cola in general tends to have a strange after taste, but the Curiosity Cola does not stick around very long. I have found the soda to be refreshing in a way generic sodas simply don’t come close to. On a scale of 1 to 10, this soda rates an 8. Colas in general seem to me to be a hard soda to drink on a regular basis, as a good one will fill you up pretty well. Fentiman’s makes a fine cola, and I recommend you try it if you are looking to experiment in the soda world. It should be an nice step away from coke or pepsi without throwing you out into the craziness that soda can be.

Hmm, I really sound full of it don’t I? Oh well. First time writing on the subject, best foot out. I hope you enjoy the read. If you have any suggestions on soda I should try, please post something in the comments section, or send me and email at Until next week.

New blog

There are only a few things I am truely passionate about. One of them from my other blog is obviously movies ( The other, soda. SODA in all its forms, types, flavors, etc. I drink at least one diet coke or pepsi a day. No, I don't think that qualifies me for anything except perhaps an obesity study. What does qualify me for this blog is my love for the carbonated beverage. So, I am going to try to write up a review every week about a soda I am trying out. Keep your eye out for updates, and hopefully they won't be so seldom that even I forget I have this blog.
